Sunday, May 23, 2010

How to Grow Potatoes in the Container

You need a big seed potatoe(s), any container, potting soil, and your love.

Potatoes are very fun to grow. I call it 'mysterious harvest crop' because there is no way to know how they are doing and how much they develop or if they are failed in the underground.  I will not know until digging up Potatoes. There are actually over thousand different varieties of potatoes available for growing. I would like to show how to Grow Potatoes in the Container. Please feel free to modify.

How to get seed potatoes: In your pantry, you can use them to plant if you notice potatoes sitting for too long with producing shoots in the potato eyes. You can buy them as Seed potatoes.

Step 1. Seed potatoes can be planted whole or cut into pieces—make sure that each piece contain at least an eye or two (three or more will be fine). I am looking for a size of gold ball.

Step 2. Heal the wounds allowing the cut pieces to callus over—This is to prevent potatoes rot if the soil is too cool or wet. I waited by leaving them exposed overnight or two days.

How to Plant in the Container:  I love this method because it is soooooooo easy to hill up and takes up less space. Choose a pot (I use 5 gallon pot--you can use anything like a clean garbage can with holes in the bottom or whisky barrel).

Step 1:  Add about 2-3 inches potting soil in the bottom  of the Container.

Step 2: Spread seed potatoes so that the roots and tubers can develop.

Step 3: Add about 2-3 inches potting soil.  Keep adding soil as the plants get taller.

How to wait/grow:  Potatoes like a steady water supply.  Make your potatoes happier, water them at least inch a week.  Send your love, tender, and care.  Send your smile!

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