Saturday, June 18, 2011

Red Brazilian Jasmine (Mandevilla)!

This is a picture of Red Brazilian Jasmine (Mandevilla) ~~~YET without flowers ~~~from my Happy Garden.

About 6 weeks ago, I stopped by a retail store to buy some tools and was passing up a clearance rack~~~saw this plant~~~all dried up and was ready to die.

She was very sad looking, and I felt like she said with her saddened face, "Take me home with you".

I had so many plants already, and I did not have any plan to buy additional pots. I decided not to buy anymore~~~I came to my car~~~I turned on my car.

But, I felt so dragged the way this poor plant appeared to me~~~her saddened face.

~~~I turned off my car~~~I went to the store and checked the price to see if this was reasonable to buy. I got shocked!

The original price was $24.99, but marked down several times~~~AND final price was just $1. I could not believe my eyes because I know this plant is not so cheap.

Tada~~~I got it for $1.

I took her to my Happy Garden!

I gave her new home~~~bigger pot~~~with a full of LOVE compost soil I made ~~~I have been adding my LOVE water and Smile blessings to the plant.

Now, LOOK how healthy she is! Soon, she will be expecting in full blossoms!

Give Chance To Others~~~Give Peace a Chance ~~~Give Love a Chance ~~~Give Unity a Chance ~~~Everyone Deserves a Second Chance~~~LOVE and Unity!

From Happy YoonOk ~~~From Happy Garden!

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