Saturday, June 11, 2011

Do not follow the crowd, but follow the continuation to Circle!

On Raining Sat, I would like to share one of my favorite photos that I took at my Happy Garden! This photo shows Me and tells Me many life lessons!

Yesterday, I was driving to my friend's house and realized that I drove at 70 miles per hour~~~at the 55 mph speed limit zone on a highway.

I drove faster because I was following other car...s~~~they were faster and faster~~~I was just following the crowd while ignoring all the traffic signs.

When I was aware of the 55 mph speed limit zone, I slowed down to meet 55 mph!

Suddenly, I realized that Life is like driving a car.

We know how to drive~~~We know what to do~~~We know how to follow the traffic signs~~~We know! But we tend to follow the crowd~~~or we tend to look only rear mirror!

In our life, we have signs everywhere: Four directions ~~~Cyclic rotation of the Earth and Moon~~~Gravity of the Sun ~~~ Gravitational Interactions of our universe ~~~ and Four seasons!

Winter~~~Spring~~~ Summer~~~and Fall!

With the process of Rest, Birth, Growth, and Harvest.

Those are the signs we need to follow~~~that is the laws of nature~~~that is the laws of Universe! ~~~that is the circle of life!

There is NO real beginning and NO real end, but only the continuation of life~~~that is the one perfect circle by evolving some million and million years.

Death is not the real end, but resting time for Continuity of new birth.

Birth is not the real begining, but starting time for Continuity to follow the circle of life~~~Continuation~~~.

Do not follow the crowd, but follow the continuation to Circle~~~follow the natural clock from the Mothe Earth!

Life lessons learned from driving ~~~from a butterfly ~~~from a flower!

~~~from Happy Garden!

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