Monday, June 7, 2010

My Happy Blue Flax Flower

Love my Blue Flax Flower!

Flax flower @ morning

Love my Blue Flax Flower

Love the color of sky-blue
Pretty little sky-blue flowers
Flowers are only one to two centimeters in diameter
Love it with five leaves
Five blue pistils
Five flax stamens
Five stigma lobes are covered by pollen at the tip of each stigma
Love it in the morning and in full sunlight with full bloom
Because the day starts

Turning into Father Sun
As the Father Sun touches the plant, new birth with five leaves begin
Five as human number
Gorgeous flower in a fantastic delicacy

Love it in the afternoon with full rest
Because the night comes

Turning away from Father Sun
As Mother Earth works on the Flax plant
Mother Earth nourish it with her love
Preparing for the rest
Dropping all the petals off on the same day

New birth is on the way with enlarging ovaries
Generating Flax seed become seed pods

Love my Sky-blue Flax
Its beauty and delicacy resembles the universe
Showing the color of sky-blue
Bounding to the perpetual cycle of birth, death, and rebirth
Delicacy of nature
Natural tones and colors
Marry with the strength of the cosmos.

Each day, new flowers open
Creating a lovely sky-blue potpourri of petals

Each day, new life starts
Each day, new emerging flower
Each day, new life rests
Each day, new awakening
Each day, new Rebirth!

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