Thursday, June 9, 2011

Heal the Mother Earth!

I hear from so many people who say~~~ we need to heal the earth!

So many people say~~~ we need to Save the earth!

I see so many people who stand up for Oil Spill and all others.

But, I also see so many people who have the preference of having dream of lush yard full of green grass of home ~~~perfect green lawns. This preference has turned into using more lawn- chemical, such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers and requires increasing negative attitude against dandelions or clover. Some consider dandelions as little yellow devils~~~enemy~~~WEED!

Some of my American friends and neighbors are using ~~~ weed killer/fertilizer by spraying to kill dandelions ~~~ buying a specialized tool called “A Dandelion Digger”. Others are poaching dandelion by pouring boiling water over dandelion plants~~~burning dandelions by using weed burner torch~~~ pickling dandelion by pouring 5-percent concentration of vinegar against dandelions and other perennial weeds.   There are thousand tips about getting rid of dandelions in order to have a perfect green grass lawn.

Dream of perfect green grass lawns are not safe for people~~~ not safe for pets, not safe for wild living creatures. Lawn chemicals including pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers poison our food, water, land and air artificially~~~unnecessary.
Are you saving the Mother Earth in your home?

This is the TIME to heal the Mother Earth starting from our home~~~our yard!

Like Dandelion Flowers and their Spirits, we all need to learn to bloom in any environment, focusing on courage and being resilient~~~despite of being in adverse conditions.

From the granddaughter of dandelion spirit!

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