Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Making my own seed tapes!

Yoonok’s Achieving Perfect Meditation: Making my own seed tapes!

All of my happy gardening activities bring me inspiration and motivation.

This is because my main focus of gardening is to plant the seeds of Love and Peace and Healing.

I think Winter is the best season to achieve Perfect Meditation.

Winter is the time of spiritual Growth and of going deeper and deeper to hear inner voice!

Winter = inner spiritual practice!

Too cold to be outside!

This is the time to prepare our hope and our dreams while we cannot stay outside too long.

Winter is a time when we must re-evaluate what we did and what we are going to do next. We all know that Spring is around the corner!

Preparation with full of hope and dream is the main key here.

This is what I do for Achieving Perfect Meditation while making my own seed tape!

You will need:

• Seeds and your Hope & Mindfulness

• Yoga mat (or plastic table cloth)

• toilet paper

• ruler and scissors and a small paint brush

• for glue: 1 tsp all-purpose flour and 1 1/2 tsp water in a small cup (I prefer a little tiny cute cup)

This is the steps I use…but you can modify.

1. I folded toilet tissue in half and cut it up into strips about 24 inches long and 1 inch wide.

2. I laid each strip on Yoga mat. Take deep breath in~~~~~out!

3. Use ruler, I put a small dot of glue (made of flour and water) every 1 & 2 inch. I dip the paintbrush once into glue and move to dip one seed of your choice and put on the strips. (Check your seed packet to see the spacing requirement because each seeds has different preference.)

4. I left the strips on Yoga mat until the glue is completely dry.

5. When the seed tape is dry, I folded it over and store them in zipper bag.

6. When Spring comes, I will just lay my seed tapes and add soil with love and peace and healing!

One package of seed takes about one hour. This is Yoonok’s Achieving Perfect Meditation!

Making my own seeds tapes gives me a certain sense of calm. This gives me focus and serenity and brings me inspiration and motivation each time in my life.

Using own seeds tapes to plant flowers and vegetables makes sowing seeds so much easy.

Making my own seeds tapes provide me so many benefits and I would like to share with you all. So that you can make your own seeds tapes for you to decide what kinds of flowers and vegetables you want to grow.

I used seed from carrots and beets at the time of taking these pictures, but you can use almost anything if seeds are too tiny to handle.
Let's plant the seeds of Love and Respect!


Time to root Sweet Potato Slips

Time to root Sweet Potato Slips if you are a Sweet Potato lover!

The first photo is the one I just started for Sweet Potato Slips!

The remaining photo are from last year!

We need to root Sweet Potato Slips (a sprout that is grown from a sweet potato) in a glass of water. This is so easy and simple.

1. Pick a cup or jar (or containers) of your choice

2. Go to organic grocery and find one sweet potato that will fit in your cup (Yoonok's tip--do not buy Regular sweet potato due to the high possibility of treatment).

3. Put a sweet potato tuber into water, pointy end down.

4. Place the jar (or containers) near a window or any other warm area with plenty of sun.

5. Soon you will see little slips growing from the eyes of the tuber. This is an amazing process. This is life! I guarantee you will enjoy! I so love watching little sprouts coming! To me, this is a magic!

6. Have happy sweet potato babysitting and change water once a while (once a week will be good) with the 2/3 above the water.

7. Happy waiting about 6-8 weeks.

8. Sweet Potato Slips will be ready to plant!

Once, I get enough Sweet Potato Slips, I will go over how to root Slips in order to plant in your garden!